The Native Youth Sexual Health Network: a grassroots network of indigenous youth and intergenerational relatives work across issues around reproductive health, rights and justice. They are Youth lead, but value the support of inter-generation circles of relatives to do their work. Some areas of work include HIV/AIDS awareness, culturally safe sex education, #landback advocacy, Midwifery and Birth Justice, as well as Two-Spirit/Gender and Sexuality Education. The network spans Turtle Island (USA & Canada), creating space to engage with everything and anything that we know to affect our bodies, minds and spirits.
The below links to the NYSHN website and Peer guided Mental Health Support Manual for Indigiqueer, 2spirit, LGBTQ+, and gender non confirming indigenous youth offers a range of support on mental health and wellness. Topics include: Colonialism and trauma, language, self care strategies and access to traditional ceremonies and mental health support, safety planning and other resources etc! to name a few.
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