Drug Checking Alert: Fentanyl sold as crack cocaine in Surrey
Yesterday (Sunday 25th August 2019) at 'SafePoint' in Surrey, a client came in for drug checking to test a sample sold as crack cocaine, that he thought had an unusual appearance and taste.
He reported that after he tasted it, he felt very sick and vomited.
The substance was a white, chalky-looking powder.
The FTIR results were caffeine, inositol, and heroin. No cocaine was detected.
The fentanyl test strip was positive.
The benzodiazepine test strip was negative.
The drugs were purchased in Surrey (Whalley). The BCCSU Drug Technician does not know if this was a one-off or whether there is potentially more of this substance being sold as crack cocaine.
Unfortunately, there is no photo, and the substance was not saved for confirmatory testing, but the Drug Technician is very confident in the FTIR and strip results.