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Virtual Train the Trainer / New Men's club/gathering learning

Harriet Heeley

DUDES Club provides space to facilitate a participant-led community for men’s health and wellness. ​We do this through different events prioritizing supportive relationships, engagement in health care, and Indigenous world views.

Waniseriio (it is a beautiful day)

We are excited to announce a New Dates/Times for DUDES Club Society - Train the Trainer (Virtual Sessions)

Saturday (01/05) - 11:00AM - 2:00PM

Wednesday (05/05) - 9:00AM - 12:00PM

Saturday (08/05) - 11:00AM - 2:00PM

***Wednesday (12/05) - 9:00AM - 12:00PM

Special Sessions: How to Start a New Club / Men’s Gathering.

This session is open to all who are interested in learning more about the Brick & Mortar process to starting a Men's Gathering and can also be considered a DUDES Club Refresher, to learn more about various coordination and administrative tasks associated with starting a New Club / Men’s Gathering.


We are asking everyone to help us out by kindly registering ahead of time.

If you are more comfortable in simply showing up, please join us with the information below.


DUDES Club Society provides a range of admin support and resources to the various DUDES Clubs and Men's Gatherings and Groups we work with. One such resource is our Train the Trainer workshop session. We haven't been able to hold one of these sessions for some time due to COVID-19 restrictions. So we are taking it virtually and trying a new online format.


DUDES Club acknowledges the immense support and encouragement provided by the community towards advocating for Men’s Health. We further acknowledge that creating a safer space, and braver spaces, is key. For that reason, when the need to hold a Men’s Circle arises we may kindly ask those who do not identify as men, masculine-identifying people, and male-aligned non-binary people, to respectfully hold space for this work by inviting them to exit the Circle in order for it to close safely and effectively.


We will be holding additional dates/times for the same Train-The-Trainer sessions to take place. Please let us know any suggested dates that work best for you and your community. You can contact

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