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Harriet Heeley

COVID Response: Food/Shelter programs open in Vancouver

Below are a list of community programs services, mainly those serving meals and which can provide indoor space for people who may be street-homeless or living in shelters.

14th July - Not all services below may be up to date and subject to change but this is the most up to date list we have. Please contact us if you have more updated information.

Broadway Youth Resource center (2455 Fraser st): is handing out bagged food to go from 9am-5pm for youth between 12-24yrs old.

Carlisle Centre Inpatient unit for concurrent disorders – Youth 13-18 – based at LGH – Currently services are on hold until next week at this time. You can connect with if you need more information.

Carnegie Community Centre: 401 Main Street, Open 9:00-20:00

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner continue to be served All meals $2 served through service window. Daily B 9-11am / L 12-4pm / D 5-8pm

No indoor space at this time - indoor hang out is suspended.

Carnegie Outreach Program has suspended at this time. (usually Monday – Friday, 9am – 4pm at 392 Powell st)

City Of Vancouver: - COV community services and food support (List of Emergency Food and Shelters, Hand Washing Stations, Supervised Injection Sites) - click here for daily updates. Spaces/parking lots will soon be expanded to allow access for outside space to spend time in safer spaces, with a focus on the DTES community. Updates next week - 30/4/20

City Reach 2650 Slocan St serving pre-made food bags, first come, first serve, Tuesday 5pm Thursday 9am

Coast Clubhouse: Monday-Thursday 8-4 and Friday 8-6(back to usual hours of operation)

Coast Resource Centre: Indoor space and programming closed

Bagged lunches being handed out at the door to members between 11:30 - 1 - (weekdays, not weekends)

Harm reduction supplies available at the door

Convenant House - Youth Shelter

Crabtree Corner YWCA- 533 E Hastings Street, TO GO meals only for Womyn + Kids

FREE Bag lunch - Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 2pm / Wed 12pm

Direction Youth Services Centre is Open for TO-GO ONLY snacks, and dinner served at 8-9pm for youth under 25 years and snacks 24/7 at the door (1138 Burrard Street) - handing out food, no dine in. Harm Reduction supplies available at the door too.

Downtown Community Health Clinic (DCHC) – 569 Powell St, hours of operation remain the same (9am - 8pm daily) but the kiosk is closed as are group sessions apart from essential services. Women’s night (Tuesday 5-8pm) is open again for women's night. Men are also now being seen as well on Tuesday evenings at the back door. Triage is happening outside the gate and nurses will see a few patients at a time. Sister clinics Pender and heatley can direct clients to DCHC for emergency issues. Evenings for hard of hearing community members will be starting soon.

Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House-573 E Hastings Street, is remaining open during this time.TO GO Meals only being served. FREE Bag breakfast + hot lunch Mon + Wed B 10am / L 12 pm. We also have harm reduction supplies available.

Door is Open: 255 Dunlevy Avenue, FREE Bag lunch for all, Daily 11am

DTES Women's Centre 302 Columbia Street, Serving bagged breakfast and lunch at the door

FREE - Daily B 10-11:30am *except Wed* / L 12-2:30pm / Snacks 3pm for Women/Womyn

Dugout: TO GO Meals through service window only

Dudes Club: Take out food available and outreach services back up and running.

Evelyne Saller (44 Club): 320 Alexander Street, Open 9:00-20:00

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner continue to be served - meals $2

Daily B 10-12pm / L 11-3pm / D 3-5:50pm

Suspended public access, there is no indoor hang out space at any of this time.

First United: 320 E Hastings Street, Community drop-in centre closed. FREE Hot food to go served at the door. Daily B 8am / L 12pm / Snack 2pm / Sat + Sun depends on donations.

Harm reductions supplies available at the door. Harm reductions supplies available at the door.

The Gathering Place: 609 Helmcken Street, Open 9:00-20:00. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner continue to be served. All meals $2-3.75. Daily B 10-11am; L 12-1:25pm; D 4-5:25pm

Suspended public access, there is no indoor hang out space at any of this time.

Harbour Light: 119 E Cordova Street, Bag lunch, FREE for all, Daily 11am

Heatley ICT - providing bagged meals from the door until 5pm and safe supplies available, apart from pipes until 6pm. Hours are now reduced - Open 8:30am , closing at 5pm. Outreach support being offered too.

The Kettle: Usual drop-in space and lunch available, but limited to 50 people (members only) Update 23rd March 2020 - Kettle drop in is closed and bagged lunch available from the back door at 11:30AM.

Living Waters: 782 E Hastings Street, Meals FREE for all, Sat 7pm / Sun 5pm

Mission Possible 543 Powell Street, is still operating its Power Breakfast on Saturdays serving FREE hot breakfast for max 100 people by ticket only served from 9am to 10am in take away containers. Line up at 8am for ticket

Muslim Care Centre 140 E Hastings Street, Dinner FREE for all, Daily 5pm (potentially being limited)

MPA Resource Centre: Monday- Friday 10 am-1 pm and again 2 pm – 5 pm

Mobile Response Team - MRT has suspended in person support services from Wednesday March 18 until further notice. MRT can still be reached by phone: 1-888-686-3022, 24/7 hours/days a week or by for support by email and also skype/video conference.


Frontline Massage – on hold till further notice

Molson Drop In – on hold till further notice

Frontline Fight Club – on hold till further notice

Virtual Frontline Fight Club

  • Eastside Boxing Club is providing free online classes to frontline workers

  • Please advise your clients to email for information and class schedule

  • They are providing classes 6 days a week Monday to Saturday. Two classes a day with the exception of Wednesday, (note this may be subject to change)

Powell Street Getaway: 528 Powell Street, Continuing usual service limited to 50 people at a time (indoor space available) Daily Snacks 10:30am / 12:30pm / 2pm / 4pm / 6:30pm

Quest Foods: Low Cost Groceries - 611 E Hastings St./ 2020 Dundas St. Monday to Saturday 9am - 4:15/6:15 Referral needed -

SAF international - for Single Mothers, Domestic abuse victims, or elderly over 60 living alone. Offering free drop off dinner services. The phone number is 604-572-5577, and the order must by placed by 2 pm.

Salvation Army Soup Truck- 222 Main Street - 25th March: Now closed.

Sheway 533 E Hastings Street, For Pregnant women, FREE Take-out lunch

Weekdays in lobby @ 11:30 AM-1:30PM

Union Gospel Mission: 601 E Hastings Street, FREE meals served to go from the door. Weekdays L 11am / D 6pm; Sat L 11am / D 4pm; Sun D 4pm.

Indoor space closed.

Vancouver Recovery Club: meetings and indoor space available, but limited to 50 people. Update 23rd March 2020 - Vancouver Recovery Club is closed but clients be directed to the NA/AA/CA website for more information on how to access the groups virtually.

Vancouver Rental Bank - Rental payment support -

WAHRS - Western Aboriginal Harm Reduction Society are working with VCH & FNHA to help offer outreach services again in Oppenheimer Park.

WISH- 330 Alexander Street, Free bagged to-go meals served for women/womyn sex workers (current & former). Only 25 max (inc. staff) allowed into the space at a time. Daily B 7am-9am; D 6-8pm; Snacks 10:30am / 10pm / 1am .

Also taking donations for clothing, toiletries supplies for women/womyn.

Work BC (aka Open Door Group): All group programming suspended; continuing to support clients by phone and by Skype only! This is at the following offices: 134/148 E Hastings, 200-250 W Pender, and 900-1200 Burrard Street. Other Work BC sites may have different service hours/options.

In addition to this the City Of Vancouver have created a COVID19 Emergency Meals Map which is developed and managed by a volunteer in the community, Steph Limage.

The City has created a print-friendly version, and will aim to update it every few days or as necessary when program status changes. Current version is available at:

Feel free to circulate. Meal providers not already listed are encouraged to contact the map manager to add their information (Limage Media Group:

You can also access other DTES services including food and shelter but also medical, hygiene, technology, legal, learning, crisis lines and notices/news supports and resources at

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