Foundry offer a full range of OAT services for youth at their two locations on Granville Street and on the Northshore. You can visit their website here -
Foundry North Shore
(Youth 12-24 yrs.)
211 W. 1st, Street, North Vancouver
(Ph): 604.984.4060
Foundry Vancouver-Granville
1260 Granville St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1M4
(Ph): 604-806-9415
You can also look at the information for North shore on our treatment page here
Other services which also offer OAT for youth:
Carlile Youth Concurrent Disorders Centre in North Vancouver
Directions Youth Detox in Vancouver
The Rapid Access Addiction Clinic (RAAC) at St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver
Peak House in Vancouver - we are waiting for confirmation of services available here and will update in the comments or on this post when informed.
Nearly all of the Clinical Health Centres (CHC's), including Health Connection Clinic in North Vancouver and Transitions Concurrent Disorders Clinic in Richmond, will see youth as well. Ideally they’d prefer to refer to youth specific services, but they will see them for OAT if they present, based on situation/circumstance.
The Overdose Outreach Team (OOT) also have further information about youth services in the Vancouver area - click here for more information on their service.
If anyone else has any additional Youth services, specifically related to OAT; please share them here! :)
Thank you!