Drug Checking Trends:
It is common now to see most drugs being tested at the OPS sites to contain Benzo's. It is becoming more of the "norm". Please refer to the Overdose Response Management Guide for Benzo's and similar substances which can be found on the COP blog or you can request this to be emailed to you.
It has also been noticed by various sites and paramedics that overdoses potentially linked to Benzo's and suspected but not yet confirmed Ketamin, or similar substances, have been causing people to high salivation response and not responding well to naloxone, taking a lot longer to come around from an overdose. Some overdoses are requiring high doses of naloxone and transfers to hospital. Over the long weekend (29th June - 1st July) a few people who had the above presentations, were supported at St. Paul's Hospital.
Ongoing updates:
Drug Checking Pilot - The VCH take home Fentanyl strips drug checking pilot concludes on July 5th.
BCCSU Drug Checking schedule updates – temporary:
There will be reduced BCCSU drug checking shifts until further notice.
The following shifts will not be taking place:
Monday – Insite – 1-5
Tuesday - Safepoint - 12 -4 (Abbotsford)
Thursday – Molson OPS – 1-5
Friday – St. Paul’s Hospital – 1-4 Not available Fri 19th & 26th July
For the above shifts where drug technicians are currently not around to check drugs using the spectrometer, peers will still be offering drug checking services with test strips at the above sites.
BCCSU Shifts still taking place are:
Tuesday – Molson OPS – 1-5 - Not available Tues 16th July
Wednesday – Insite – 3-7
Thursday – Safepoint – 10.30-5 (Abbotsford)
VCH Drug checking shifts continue to take place at:
Wednesday – Overdose Prevention Society – 9–12 Not available Weds 24th July
Wednesday - St. Paul’s Hospital – 1-4 - Not available Weds July 24th.
Thursday – Overdose Prevention Society – 9-12 Not available Thurs 18th & 25th July
Friday – Insite – 1-5