Drug Checking monthly reports are uploaded on the drug checking blog, just scroll down and you will find the report. The June one has been updated as of July 24th.
Drug Checking events are happening during Pride and a new drug checking trial at Powell Street Getaway is happening in August. Click the hyperlinks for the posters and more details can be found on the drug checking blog pages here or visit http://www.vch.ca/public-health/harm-reduction/overdose-prevention-response/drug-checking
BCCSU/ VCH Drug Checking schedule updates:
Spectrometer: VCH spectrometer technician is off work for now, and BCCSU technicians are at the Shambhala festival. Although there is not spectrometer drug checking this week, sites will continue to hand out test strips.
Supplies: To order any additional supplies email Jen Prest (jen.prest@vch.ca)
For shifts where drug technicians are currently not around to check drugs using the spectrometer, peers will still be offering drug checking services with test strips.